The World of Adulia
Adulia, like our world, is very complicated and isn't just one unified group of people! It is an entire planet absolutely full of people from different countries, different nationalities, each with their own unique beliefs that affect how people treat each other. And just like our world, they have their own prejudices.
Most of the story of Magic Blood, the story within our wonderful story, takes place in one country known as Constantalia. It's very similar to Europe geologically, but instead of several different countries, that whole part is one big country! They have several different towns, cities, and ranges of geological formations! Because it's surrounded by ocean on all sides but one fishing is huge, as well as ocean trade between Constantalia and island nations, as well as other continents only accessible by water.
Constantalia, and most of Adulia, has discrimiation problems just like Earth has. While it takes different forms on Earth depending on who you are and where you live, the discrimination is pretty universal in Adulia. unlike our world, magical creatures used to live side by side with humans. They had two forms, their magical forms and their unmagical, which they could shift back and forth from at will. Many of these creatures fell in love with and had children with the humans and this skill was passed on. However, very early on in Adulian history, large groups of humans started to fear the creatures. With fear and slander, most were killed off and their children were executed. Now almost no magical creatures remain in Adulia, and any humans who were found to be descended from these magical creatures were to be executed when found. Many mothers and fathers hid away from the world, joining those peaceful clans/nations/tribes that did not treat their children as such.
At some point, the ability to use magic came under the same scrutiny from humans. The origins of which are unknown, and it's particularly strange how almost all countries around the world came to the same thought around the same time. Theories have been made but none confirmed. Nevertheless, due to the fact that most humans, around 90%, cannot use any form of magic, they became angry and jealous of those who could and went about trying to make magic illegal. Since they were the majority, and by using fear and lies about magic to scare those who knew little to nothing about it, it worked and magic was banned from most continents in Adulia. There are some places with special licenses for medical purposes, but agriculture, construction, and other industries took a serious and unpredicted hit from this ban in magic, causing their capabilities to revert seriously and creating a Dark Age for the entire planet. Eventually they managed to use technology and inventions to progress, but this set back Adulia from where it had been by a few thousand years.
In modern Constantalia, most with magical abilities hide their powers, whether they be human magic users, or those descended from magical creatures. There are special, but small, task forces with permission to use magic solely to hunt down these two group as they are in violation of several laws. Some groups do not hie, and even though they risk their lives, are very verbal and open about their abilities and lineage in order to fight against the system. Sadly, these freedom fighters tend to be short lived, but each one brings more and more people who are ordinary to their cause every day. others, like the Magic Blood guild, are very selective about what normal humans they interact with. It is a sad, but necessary precaution to ensure their safety.
Maps of Adulia will be coming soon!