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Maddie Sangster

Name: Maddie Sangster
Age: 17
Ethnicity: White Irish American
Shifter Form: None
Personality: Maddie is a very abrasive person. She's never afraid to tell others what she's thinking, and in fact has no real form of a filter. She loves to read and analyze the content, not because she likes to look at the author's intended deep meaning, but because she enjoys finding multiple different messages spread by a story, both intended and unintended. She never goes anywhere without her necklace, and even though it's made from a gemstone she tends to chew on it when she's frustrated. If she doesn't do that then she bites the cuffs of her jacket. She's fiercely independent, and refuses to get help even when she knows she needs it.
History: Maddie was born with her twin brother at a normal American hospital, and grew up with an ordinary childhood. It wasn't until after a trip to her local library where her life took a strange turn. After a strange meeting she found herself intertwined with the founding members of Magic Blood and her own life on Earth, helping them search for the Principles of Life to save their world.

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